To create original and very tasty menus is easy with our typical Sicilian products. Traditional recipes and suggestions from professional chef to give you the best cooking tips.
'RISU CACOCCIULI E PUSEDDA' The Creamy Rice with Artichokes and Peas is a light and nourishing vege...
Details'PASTA A NORMA' Typical Sicilian Pasta recipe; its name has been coine...
DetailsPASTA 'NCACIATA A MISSINISI Very rich pasta recipe. The name 'ncaciata recalls the ingredients used...
Details‘ANELLETTI O FURNU’ Rich typical Sicilian recipe, born in Palermo ...
Details'PASTA CU MACCU RI FAVI' The 'Macco', a fava beans mash, is a typical recipe of the po...
Details'PASTA WITH FRESH RICOTTA CHEESE AND PISTACHIOS' Very easy pasta recipe, with a delicate taste. Del...
Details'PASTA PISCI SPADA E MULINCIANI' Sicilian Recipe very common during su...
DetailsA very fast and simple recipe, still unique thanks to the exceptional flavour of our Sicilian Sheep's milk Aged Cheese. A Sicilian version o...
Details'SPAGHETTI CCU NIURU DI SICCI' The Spaghetti with Squid Ink is a typical pasta recipe with fish, ve...
DetailsSPAGHETTI CÙ L'AGGHIA Spaghetti with Trapani style Pesto, a simple and fresh pasta dish, id...
Details'SPAGHETTI CA TUMA PESSA' An extremely simpl...
DetailsSPAGHETTI WITH TUNA EGGS Sicilian fine pasta recipe for those who love fish based dishes. Very easy to make...
DetailsRapida la spedizione e buono il prezzo del vino ordinato. Grazie dei prodotti d'omaggio!
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